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Auto Repair in Lincoln, NE

No matter what type of car you drive, and no matter how old or new it is, your car will eventually require attention from a professional auto technician. At AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care of Lincoln, NE, we will perform maintenance and repairs, all of which are backed by our comprehensive warranty. There are many reasons to seek only the best service for your vehicle from safety on the road to the longevity of your vehicle and at AAMCO, our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and equipment will give you peace of mind that any and all problems are correctly diagnosed. Moreover, you can rest assured that our highly trained and professional technicians will repair your vehicle correctly and completely. We also offer financing upon credit approval and free towing with rebuilt transmission service or any major auto repairs

Maintenance and Repair Services

Here are just some of our maintenance and repair services:

Computer and Electrical Diagnostic Checks
Engine Tune-Ups and Replacement
Radiator Repair and Service
Air Conditioning Repair and Service
Brake Repair and Service
Transmission Repair, Rebuilding, and Replacement
Differential Rebuilding
Transfer Case Repair and Rebuilding
auto repair

We Service All Makes and Models

We will also gladly conduct all factory-recommended maintenance and can maintain local fleets. Remember: We can service all makes and models, both foreign and domestic, including front-wheel drive, four-wheel drive, two-wheel drive, and all-wheel drive vehicles; light cars and trucks; and fleet vehicles, including box vans, cutaways, stake beds, and Grumman trucks.

Your Local Leader for Auto Repair

Visit AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care of Lincoln, NE today to experience professional, thorough service on your vehicle. We strive to provide exceptional service and help our customers in any way we can. To learn more, contact us today!

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