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Read Our Reviews

I had a great experience with AAMCO. My daughter’s transmission went out and Brian was quick to work with me on getting her car in. The transmission was ordered and service completed in less than a week. He has also made sure to follow up and make sure everything is running as it should.

Amanda J.

Got filter and fluid changed on my F150, did a great job at good price.

Travis L.

This place is freaking awesome, Brain helped me right away when nobody else would. I was stuck on the side of the road because my transmission went out while traveling with my two small children. My own car company wouldn't help me get a tow without paying $177 and Brain recommended a tow company for me that was half the price, to get to his shop. My car company was a pain to deal with, but Brain did right and worked with them and got the job done. The entire time there was great communication and I didn’t have to worry. They definitely went out of there way for me and I will never forget it. My car sounded beautiful, and my kids and I are so happy. I definitely recommend these guys!

Sarah H.

They are AMAZING here! They're professional, honest and fair. They're fast and efficient and treat you like you're the only customer in the world! The owner, Richard, is a sweetheart and honest man. He understands customer service and the importance of a returning customer. I am skeptical of anything auto related, but they've never tried to up sell/over sell me at all. The place is clean and they're good, decent people. I'll DEFINITELY do business here EVERY SINGLE time!! Thanks Richard and Cody!

Elizabeth B.

I would recommend this place to anyone. Has friendly staff, understanding. And has one of the best transmission builders I've ever met. If you want your car done right bring it here.

Maria D.

Recently I had to have a transmission installed in my Cadillac. Brian and Richard did phenomenal work in a very reasonable amount of time. Highly recommended for their professional service! Thanks again!

Ross W.

I brought my truck in it wasn’t shifting correctly. Richard was very helpful, very quick to communicate with me. Richard inspected the transmission and gave me a thorough explanation of what I needed fixed and provided me with an estimate. I discussed with him the options and what I use my truck for.He not only rebuilt the transmission, but put in some upgrades based on what I told him I did with the truck, and he kept the price on the low end of the estimate he provided before I even told him about what I used the truck for. Richard definitely was looking out for my best interests as a customer and I greatly appreciate him and his employees.

Robert O.

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